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July 9th, 2008 @ 5:50pm

Okay! So! I better do this before I forget and then I'm distracted by the other OOC intro posts! I'm Mady and I know some of you here! I currently am still obsessed with Doctor Who, I love The Office, and I really like pretty things and RPing. My contact info can be found in this journal or you know, the mod journal!

This is Ben Fischer. (He says hello.) His character concept is Pinocchio, so yes, naturally, he lies. Well, he wouldn't exactly call it LYING, but basically it is. Not telling the full truth is what he likes to call it. Uh, he loves people, and will probably like your character because he is a total people person. Ben is a junior and a theater major and loves words. He especially likes those Word-of-the-Day calendars and has one in his room. He also checks it every day. Um, plot plz? IDK what else to add.
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July 9th, 2008 @ 6:04pm

This is your mom, and I'm doing an intro for my main woman, Ali~



ANYWAY! So, hi peoples! It's Ali-Cat and I'm intro-ing my two babies right now. The first is May Decatur at this journal. You might know her better as the March Hare. She's obsessed with tea and gardening and cooking and DDR and just about anything else that is shiny and pretty and omg good looking guys are a bonus... uh, right, yeah. May has severe ADD, so don't expect her to have a coherant thought from one moment to the next. But, she's down with the cooking club, anime club, improv team, and debate... though that last one is just hilarity times infinity. She was raised in the Midwest. Specifically Tilden, Nebraska, whos only claim to fame is being the birthplace of L. Ron Hubbard. So, yes, May had to escape a bunch of rabid Scientologists. :D Trust me, she'll wind up talking to you at some point. It's what she does. After all, she needs to rub it in your face that you SO aren't invited. ^_^

The second character is Julie Isley ([info]mermaidlagoons) who would be your resident Wendy Darling. Yes, she's Roger's little sister, and a bright-eyed freshman. She's bound and determined to grow up in her time in college, and can't WAIT to be all self-reliant and all that boring stuff. :/ But, she's a sweetheart, and she loves pretty much everyone, and wants to take care of you all. Even if she can't vote for another month or so.

Aaaaaaaand... it's time for me to go home from work, so I will hit this up later, I'm sure. ^_^ I know there are people that I need to talk to desperately. But not Cody. I don't talk to him if I can avoid it.
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July 9th, 2008 @ 2:14pm

Since Loren has started the introduction train, I'm going to jump on it. Jump. Jump on it. Er. My name is Cody. I'm a SurfJew from Nor Cal. I make surfboards and surf into rocks and sharks. It's a dangerous job, but someone has to do it :[

My first character is Kilroy Benson (this journal) and he's the Mad Hatter. He is a junior and one of the heads of the Improv Team. He's a theater major and he perfers to do character acting than compete with the other dudes for the lead roles (which he thinks is boring anyway). Kilroy rarely goes to classes that are out of his major and sometimes just sleeps through his theater classes, too. But, he's committed to the Improv team and has a talent for making Improv Shows and Comedy Nights a success. As you might have guessed, his parties are pretty infamous, though he has a weird thing about letting in only people he invited. He enjoys recreational drugs, corrupting the masses, getting thrown out of Philosophy Club and eating sugary treats. Also, A Tribe Called Quest. He lives with Irving (Jack from NMBC) and the duo are obsessed with inventing things....with k'nex.

My second character is Roger Isley ([info]12inchwoody) who guessed it....Woody from Toy Story. He's a senior and was extremely popular and well liked until [The Buzz] showed up. Right now everyone has sort of forgotten about him and it's made him a little...well...crazy. He's on the baseball team, his girlfriend is kind of a ho and he's lost the ability to censor himself. Once upon a time your character could have done something stupid and he'd let it go, but now if he sees it he'll be vocal and hurtful about the faults of others because lol he can't deal with his own problems.

Plot would be awesome! Comment here if you'd like to give me some.
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